A Day in Our Life

It's been a long time since we published something here. Once we started this blog, our aim was to keep it updated with weekly posts about Records development but, you know, developing great software it's pretty hard and, sometimes, we don't have enough time or any special news to share with you.

But Records becomes, everyday, closer to its first release.

Andrea, as I told you before, is working full-time to speed up the development and he tries to share with me, via iMessage (or iChat for nostalgic people like me), all the news about our little creature. I'm not a developer, so it's hard for me to understand all his "tech-language", but I've been among the firsts to try Records, and I can tell you it's great.

I think that Andrea agrees with me if I say that we are really close to a 50%-60% of development.

We are not a company yet, but just two guys in love with Macs and Mac apps, so our daily life is pretty different from what you could expect. Andrea works from home, chatting with me during the morning, while I'm at the office (my primary job for now). He spends his whole day developing Records in Xcode and asking me tricky questions about it: "What if a user syncs a databases on iCloud, and then removes it and than changes his account and then...". We are really trying to consider all the hypothesis to make Records stable and "bulletproof".

We usually have dinner together once a week to share ideas and discuss about the project. We are also trying to plan a full-immersion week-end twice a month to really work together on the project. It's hard but definitely worth it.

When it's "design-time" Andrea protypes new buttons and UI details in Sketch and, in brainstorming mode, we discuss about it. It's always great to share ideas and find new, incredible, solutions.

New builds are uploaded on our shared folder on Dropbox and I try them as soon as possible. Andrea keeps track of bugs and features directly in GitHub and we both use Things to annotate to-dos (blog posts that must be written - like this one, ideas and features that rock, deadlines and so on). Oh, and we never forget our notebook to sketch UI elements "on-the-go".

Records is a complex app and we both are perfectionist: so we are working everyday to make it the most incredible Mac app we could develop. However, we still have some months of development in front of us before we could release a Beta version. So, keep following us and supporting our project as you always do.


Published on by Andrea Gelati.