Records, the personal database ‘for the rest of us’

Hello again super Mac users,

Today we are really glad to introduce you Records, the personal database for the rest of us.

What is Records? We like to consider this app like a powerful database, but extremely easy to use. That's why we call it a personal database for the rest of us. We are working on the Mac app right now and we need your help to make it truly amazing.


Development made public, from the scratch

We'll make the whole development process public as much as we can. Starting from the first alpha build (coming on the next months), we'll ask you to take part actively, testing the app and suggesting your ideas and feedback.

We trust in Apple community and we love sharing ideas with other users, that's why we decided to involve you from the beginning. You'll have access to alpha and beta versions simply signing up in the box below (don't mind, we hate spammers exactly like you).

Published on by Andrea Gelati.